Introducing the Visual Map™ method.
This method utilizes Generative AI to produce Noiseproof Summaries,
removing distracting noise from books and
delivering the book's idea and explanation
without missing its most important information.
Read below about our method.
Instead of summarizing the book, we visually map its entire content.
We create a visual map that shows us all book pages in one screenshot, in one map.
We use the visual map to identify the randomly scattered noise
throughout the book with unprecedented accuracy.
And, yes, we go through every single paragraph, sentence, and word.
After identifying the unnecessary noise,
we surgically remove it, piece by piece.
After removing the noise, we use Generative AI to write the Noiseproof Summary.
using cutting-edge writing and story-telling techniques,
to make the book's idea and explanation crystal clear and entertaining.
Every noiseproof summary we create delivers a book's main idea and explanation
without missing its most important information.