Should I read a full-length book or a Noiseproof Summary?

Every time you read a full-length book, you miss important information due to the book`s built-in distracting noise.

And this is where our “Noisproof Summaries” come into play. Our Noiseproof Summaries deliver the main idea and explanation in non-fiction books without missing their most important information.

Our Noiseproof Summaries are new, original works of their own, written in our style, voice, and format. They serve as complementary to the full-length books.

Google Books Team said there are more than 130 million books in the world. And every year, more than 1 million books get published. So there is tremendous competition in the books market.

We hope that by giving people a new way to experience books, BestSeller will bring authors more readers. In this way, we are increasing the exposure of great non-fiction books and increasing authors’ income along the way. That`s why for every Noiseproof Summary, we include a link to buy the full-length book on Amazon.